Saturday, June 16, 2018

Packing – Before You Leave


-          Clothing (Weather appropriate, backup shoes, items reusable for different outfits)

-          Electronics (Laptop, Kindle, Tablets, Phones, Chargers, hair dryers, voltage converters, and extra SD cards)

-          Carry on (meds, plugs, electronics, money, etc)

-          Security (locks for luggages, protection for cash/cards from electronic and physical threat)

-          Medication/Prescripton/OTC (ibuprofen/motion sickness meds/etc)

Keep important, fragile, expensive items in your carry on to stow in the overhead. With you in your seat keep your ID, ticket, ear plugs, face mask, sleeping pills, etc. Keep organized. If you can’t remember what is where, keep a list on your phone.

Speaking of your phone, you should keep important numbers, addresses, and information on your phone but also in a bag printed out just in case you have cellular issues abroad! Keep all important paperwork in a folder for easy access. You visa, insurance, etc should be kept together and safe!

Everyone told me to bringing good walking shoes. Don’t automatically run out and buy new shoes that you will have to break in while abroad.

In fact, don’t run out and buy a new wardrobe. You won’t be abroad walking runways. You will be studying and possibly spending time touring the city or areas. Take clothing you feel comfortable in. The tried and try pieces that won’t be itchy, ill fitting, or fail you. Clothing isn’t something you should have to worry about while there. I would avoid purchasing a whole new wardrobe while abroad as well. This would have to be done immediately, it would be immediately extremely expensive, take up a lot of space you will have to account for on your way home and you may not end up liking the clothing forcing you to return it. Keep in mind that you will have to launder this clothing while abroad. This could get expensive. You need space to keep this clothing, you’ll have to wash it weekly and that could be at a laundry mat. If you want to shop while abroad for clothing, bring the bare bones necessities. Jeans, white t-shirt, socks, etc. Then supplement it while you are abroad.

Tip: Weigh the items you bring that you will be returning with. Every time you make purchases I recommend monthly weigh- ins of those items. Airlines typically have weight restrictions on luggage.  You may end up needing to purchase and pay the fees for extra luggage. Or… you may end up having to donate items you can’t bring home before you leave. I’m still gutted that I had to leave my grey blanket. It was only 9 pounds in London but it was glorious.

If you plan on doing a lot of shopping check an empty luggage to use for items, you collect over the course of your trip. You could collect, souvenirs, gifts, clothing, and presents!

Don’t forget to pack electronically. Load music, books, and apps to prepare for travel. The best thing I did before leaving was download the free apps “Whatsapp” and “City Mapper” for London. Invaluable!

I want to push boundaries, be brace, and take chances during my trip but I don’t want the majority of those to be my asking for directions. I took the time to find out my location and map out around the dorm. I wanted to know key information like where I would catch the bus to school from the dorm. I don’t want to depend on wifi once I’m there to know this key detail. The nearest grocery store and the nearest home décor store as well went on my list. With the first couple of days I’m in London I will need to purchase things like sheets, blankets, necessities that weren’t essential to be packed. I want to travel as light as possible! There is also the added benefit of knowing the cities around central London so I know off the top of my head the general area I’ll be in at any given time. Central London is generally known as the west end for example.

I bought a handy recommended guide called London A-Z. This map guide book is spiral bound with an insane amount of detail. I plan to walk about out of curiosity and this little book will be my guide. Rather than rely on my phones GPS to get me the faster route to and from destinations I can take multiple routes without getting lost. Without signal I can look at this book and find the nearest bus station, tube station, or main thoroughfare! It also made an appearance in an episode of BBC’s newest version of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch. If that doesn’t want to make you buy I don’t know what will.

If you can’t live without a specific face wash, bring it. I didn’t pack any toiletries and I regret this. It would have been empty space in my luggage on the way home. I was sick immediately after arriving and I didn’t have soap, shampoo, meds, body wash… nothing. I had to go out with the flu in an unfamiliar country to buy these things.

You must research what differences there are between what you normally purchase and what will be available. I had no idea the UK didn’t have plastic applicators for tampons. Sorry if this is TMI for you but… cardboard = not great. I got used to it but… those are something I could have brought with me because I had room.

Make sure you leave money to buy all these things when you return because you most likely won’t have space to bring what is left over!

Read on the next post about what to bring with you on the flight

Leave any questions you have for me in the comment section!

Happy Travels,


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